Alkitab Bible Study 0.9
May 21st, 2008 | by Tonny Kohar |We just released Alkitab Bible Study 0.9. Alkitab Bible Study is open source and free desktop based Bible Study tool. It features rich and user friendly Bible study tools. Alkitab supports parallel view, commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries, glossaries, and daily devotions. It also come with powerful search capability. Alkitab is an alternative front end to the JSword project. Alkitab also build on top of Netbeans Platform
What’s new:
- Add Sword AugmentPath and DownloadDir
- Add Strongs and Morphology User Preferences or Options
- Add Source Viewer
- Various UI Improvement
- Various Bug Fixes
- [Installer] add options to install some books:
KJV, StrongsHebrew, StrongsGreek, Robinson Morph
This release improve the stability a lot, it fixes many bugs. The next release will be 1.0 final, so if you find any bugs, questions, etc please do not hesitate to drop me a note, it help me a lot to stop the bugs before 1.0 final.
Due to the size issues (13.6 MB) the included [optional] books are: KJV, StrongsHebrew, StrongsGreek, and Robinson Morph. If you would like to distribute other books eg: ESV, ISV, TSK, the source code (2.9 MB) is available at
The ant build script is included with the source code, so minimal programming or technical skill is required:
- just copy the books you like into certain folder (make sure you understand the book copyright)
- modify the installer to add reference to your redist books.
- and run the build in script.
- then you are done.
Alkitab Bible Study is released as public domain, so feel free to modify/enhance, distribute, etc.
10 Responses to “Alkitab Bible Study 0.9”
By nelvin on Mar 17, 2009 | Reply
Hi, you’ve done a great project. i am about to create a bible software using .net C# and need on suggestion from you guys. What would be the best practice to store the Bible texts? 1. sql database? 2. within the code itself? or where?
Need suggestions from you guys. Because using SQL database will require users to have sql server on their local machine.. i need suggestions. please.
By Tonny Kohar on Mar 18, 2009 | Reply
Hi Nelvin
The database is really depend on your requirement on how complex the indexing will be. My suggestion is if you go for database, you can using simple/desktop database eg: access, dbase, foxpro, simpleDB, etc, rather than go for the enterprise/server database.
FYI, Alkitab is not using any database at all, it using xml/plain text for the bible texts and indexed using lucene/clucene.
There are various ways to store bible text in non database eg: OSIS, USFM, Zefania. For me I choose to use OSIS format.
If you interest in OSIS as format maybe you can visit they have API library to easy access for the bible texts.
By nelvin on Mar 24, 2009 | Reply
hi Tonny,
Thanks for your quick response, will see what best i can do about it. I’ve already used access for now and just think of putting a password so nothing opens the file other than the application.
Again, i think ‘am gonna like the OSIS thing, i checked the page and will do a little research. Might probably shift to that tech before the software is released. :).. thanks for all.
God Bless
By Reinhard Sual on Jul 6, 2009 | Reply
I am developing a website for a community church, and try to find a kind of Alkitab Web Service. Do you have any info? If there is no one available, I will try to make my own. Is there any Alkitab (text/xml/database) around for free use?
Really appreciate it!
By Tonny Kohar on Jul 7, 2009 | Reply
I think you can contact Crosswire regarding the biblical text, lexicons, etc
They have various biblical text with various licensing.
By luckyjo on Aug 23, 2009 | Reply
Nice info but is there any Bible software like that in Indonesian language?
stop dreaming start action
By Tonny Kohar on Aug 24, 2009 | Reply
For bible in Indonesian language, maybe you can check out SABDA
By bible sweepstakes on Mar 26, 2010 | Reply
Great Project! Thanks for sharing.
By dny on Apr 21, 2014 | Reply
indonesian bible module is downloadable from