Archive for the ‘Java’ Category

Book Review: Swing Extreme Testing

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

There are many books published which describe on how to write unit test eg: using JUnit for Java program. Those books are come from simple-complex scenario depending on the book target reader. However, there are only a few which specialized on User Interface testing. So if you ever wondered on ...

Java Penetration Statistics

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

This Java statistics is based on (not this blog, this blog is tracked separately). Basically, it is a B2C sites which specialize in Java Desktop Application. If you are wondering how do we track Java version, please visit this step by step guide on how to track java version using ...

Netbeans Platform referencing other module in layer.xml Tips

Friday, December 12th, 2008

How do you reference some some instance from other module in the current module layer.xml ? In my case, I need this functionality/features because I create a module that act as branding module. In this branding module I declare the shortcut, windows, menu, etc. The other module is pure API ...

Tracking Java Versions using Google Analytics

Saturday, November 15th, 2008

Finally someone posting howto or tutorial for tracking Java version using google analytics. Here is the url for more detailed info So now you can track your visitors who have java installed. The nice things regarding this tips and tricks is that this tips also capture the java version eg: Java ...

Netbeans 10th Birthday Celebration

Monday, October 20th, 2008

If you haven't realized, Netbeans is going to celebrate its 10th birthday. This event will be started from October 20, 2008. Here is the excerpt from the Netbeans Event Site. Since 1998, NetBeans has grown from a student project into an award winning Open Source project, IDE and application platform. ...

Netbeans Platform Localization as Plugins

Wednesday, August 6th, 2008

This is another series of Netbeans Platform i18n and localization trick. You can read the other series in here and here. This methods is used to localize Netbeans Platform based Application which can be updated using Update Center. It also have an entry on the Plugins List. However, please note ...

Standalone Module Branding tips

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Just a simple tip regarding module branding splash during development or debugging. If you build a "standalone" module for your Netbeans RCP based application, during development you will notice that it will display the original Netbeans IDE/RCP splash screen rather than your branded application splash screen. To enable your own branded splash ...

Netbeans Platform Ant based build system trick

Monday, February 18th, 2008

If you build an application on top of Netbeans Platform, you probably already know that it is using Apache Ant as the build system. Thanks to this flexibility of Netbeans Platform (ant based build system), this system allow us to do various trick to automate stuff. For example Netbeans Platform ...

Netbeans Platform localization and branding trick

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

This is the second part of Netbeans Platform i18n and localization trick. The first part is available at Netbeans Platform i18n and localization. This approach is using branding trick to override the Netbeans Platform default localization. I think this is a HACK, use with caution. The proper localization should be ...

Java Web Start Application

Friday, January 18th, 2008

Finally, we just build Java Web Start for Sketsa SVG Editor and Citra FX Photo Effects. Last time, we disabled Java Web Start due to the Netbeans Bug: 96928 which is now fixed. However, there are another Java Web Start related bug which is not fixed yet: 96928 - fixed 76196 - ...